210 Prices Fork Rd suite c, Blacksburg, VA 24060

Fit Body Games is back!

Test your strength and mental toughness in a fun, supportive environment. This is the perfect opportunity for athletes of all levels to come together and compete.

Starts: Saturday August 5th

Athlete Briefing at 7:30am. The Games begin at 8:00am and the final event will conclude ~2:00pm.

Check out our 2022 Fit Body Games Highlight Reel

What people said from last year. The best part of fit body games....

My favorite part is seeing all the people in my Fit Family together in one place and having my family watch me compete and see why I love this gym so much.

My absolute favorite part was building deeper friendships and learning to rely on each other. My teammates made it easy to be vulnerable and discussed strengths and weaknesses without judgement. Even after the games, we are still keeping the group chat going strong! If you didn't feel like cheering for everyone including your competition, you're doing it wrong. The vibes were vibin'!?

I really enjoyed the friendly competition and the amazing support from other teams and the coaches were so encouraging - I felt so supported by people I had never met!

The community is unmatched - cheering everyone on to “be better.”

I just love that FBBC offers an event like this. I love the competition, the opportunity to push myself and ultimately how it brings the community closer together

Our Divisions

Female Goal Getter

Choose this division if you find yourself modifying multiple exercises during a typical Fit Body workout.

Female Fire Breathing Dragon

Choose this division if you do not modify any exercises during a typical Fit Body workout and can safely deadlift at least 40lbs, safely shoulder press 20lbs in each hand, and perform a 20" box step up or box jump.

Male Fire Breathing Dragon

One division for all men's teams.

What are the Fit Body Games?

The Fit Body Games is a fitness event that brings together members from Fit Body Boot Camp locations throughout Virginia (Blacksburg, Roanoke, Daleville, Ashburn, North Columbus, Frederick), and within the region, to compete in a series of conditioning and strength workouts throughout a day-long event.
The Games are designed to test your mental and physical strength in a fun, safe, supportive environment. Whether you compete for the title of Fit Body Games champion, or come to cheer on your #fitfam, you do not want to miss this event!

Fit Body Games Kids Camp

Fit Body Boot Camp is a FAMILY, so we want to involve your little ones in this amazing event with their very own Kids Camp! Ages 5-13 years old will participate in a variety of kid-friendly fitness exercises on-site at the Fit Body Games led by Fit Body Boot Camp Coaches and volunteers. You will be able to register your kid(s) for the Kids Camp when registration opens for Fit Body Games.

Our 2022 sponsors

We're looking for volunteers!

If you are not participating in the Fit Body Games but want to be a part of the action, please join our volunteer team! You can volunteer for a portion of the day or stick around with us from start to finish.
Email info@blacksburgfitbody.com with SUBJECT: Fit Body Games Volunteer